Private Instruction for Struggling Readers

picture of exasperated girl reading

Is your bright child having difficulty learning to read and spell?

  • Does your child have better comprehension when texts are read aloud?
  • Is your child’s speaking and listening vocabulary grade levels ahead of his/her reading ability?
  • Does your child have a hard time remembering how to spell common words, no matter how many times he/she studies them?
  • Does your child have trouble sounding out unknown words, instead seeming to take wild guesses?
  • Is reading a slow, laborious process for your child?

The Nashville Dyslexia Center can help! Private, individualized instruction is offered for students of all ages who are struggling to learn to read, write, and spell. The Nashville Dyslexia Center uses Take Flight: A Comprehensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia, a program from the Luke Waites Center for Dyslexia and Learning Disorders at Scottish Rite for Children in Texas. 

While students must pass an initial screening to begin instruction, it is not necessary to have a diagnosis of a specific learning disability. We require a minimum of two hours per week of instruction. Contact us for pricing information and scheduling.

We address the the following concepts in our instruction:

  • Phonemic Awareness
  • Phonics
  • Spelling
  • Prosody
  • Grammar
  • Sight Words
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • ….and more!


Dyslexia is NOT seeing words backwards. Find out the signs of dyslexia.