Nashville Dyslexia Center: Providing Hope and Help
We understand how hard it is when your child struggles with reading. Learning challenges can affect your child’s academics and self-esteem. But we are here to tell you there is hope! Your child CAN learn to read and spell! Using Take Flight: A Comprehensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia, a program that is systematic, explicit, and multisensory, our tutors will teach your child the skills needed to be a successful reader. Contact us to schedule your child’s consultation today!
Not sure if your child needs a specialized tutor for reading? Click here to learn about the signs for you should look for.
Nashville Dyslexia Center Advantages
All NDC tutors have dyslexia-specific training. NDC was started by a Certified Academic Language Therapist who knows the value of individualized instruction. Read our story here.
We specialize in online tutoring. Using Zoom, NDC students from across the country can remain in the comfort of their homes while progressing in reading and spelling.
Online Tutoring
Nashville Dyslexia Center Mission
The Nashville Dyslexia Center’s purpose is to provide hope and help for struggling readers by providing the very best individualized instruction by highly qualified dyslexia specialists.
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