Have a few questions? See our FAQ below or contact us.
What is dyslexia?
From the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity: “Dyslexia is an unexpected difficulty in learning to read. Dyslexia takes away an individual’s ability to read quickly and automatically, and to retrieve spoken words easily, but it does not dampen one’s creativity and ingenuity.”
What are common myths of dyslexia?
Dyslexia is frequently misunderstood. It is not a vision problem, nor do you have to wait until third grade to diagnose it. Colored overlays do not cure dyslexia. Dr. Nadine Gaab of the Harvard School of Education explains 31 common myths of dyslexia.
Who is tutoring for?
This type of tutoring is for the struggling reader of any age! We serve children in public and private schools who may need intervention beyond what the school is able to provide. Tutoring is also for the homeschooling family who needs some assistance. Working with Nashville Dyslexia Center can relieve the parent of teaching a student how to read. Ask us how our tutoring services may complement your home education plan!
Does my child need a diagnosis of dyslexia for tutoring?
No. In fact, the more signs of dyslexia you see, the more you can be sure that tutoring is the right next step.
Some families are interested in testing their children for learning disabilities. If you would like to know more about psychoeducational evaluations, please ask for our list of practitioners who provide this type of testing.
How do I get started?
Call us at 615-999-7072 to schedule your consultation. At the consultation, we will review your child’s educational history and other pertinent background information. Erin Paske will schedule an appointment to work with your child. Then, we will match your child with one of our tutors.
Where does instruction take place?
With online tutoring, instruction takes place in the comfort and safety of your home via Zoom. Tutoring is available in person in the Nashville community on a limited basis.
How can I teach with the Nashville Dyslexia Center?
The Nashville Dyslexia Center contracts highly skilled CALTs and CALPs with demonstrated experience in Take Flight: A Comprehensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia. Please send an email to [email protected] with your resume attached in PDF format.